Monday 10 March 2008

Karaoke, Ha Long Bay and Hanoi

When we last joined our hero, he was in Hoi An, approaching the end of his time in Vietnam...

Leaving Hoi An meant leaving lots of good cake. This made me sad. Hoi An was also ther place that I saw the orphanage for children affected by agent orange, something I'll remember for a long time.

Ayhoo, we then travelled up to the place that was on the top of my itinery choices, Ha Long Bay! We travelled out by boat, and got treated to some gorgeous sights as we dined on local fish dishes. We visited some caves, with the fossilised spine fo a dragon in it. hm. But the highlight was jumping off the top of the boat into the waters when we were midway out. A long drop, but accompanied by me singing the superman film theme, I managed to pluck up the courage!

We made port in an island in the north of ha long bay, and stayed there a night, which is deffinatley one for the CV. Especially since I did an amazing rendition of 'Gangsters Paradise' in the local karaoke bar. followed by the Pokemon Theme. and Candle in the Wind. and Immigrant Song.

Sam also did 'don't look back in anger', which I've said I won't upload in video form, but will show to anyone willing when I return home!

After Ha long bay, we made ouyr way to Hanoi, our leaders hometown and said goodbye, the vietnam social was a disaster! nothing was open, adn we were given funny looks by everyone we went and saw. But no matter, we made up for it in Laos, where we've travelled to next, and where I'm writing from now! I'll tell all in my next blog. In closing here's Lt Laurence and Sniper Sam for your individual entertainment.

Enjoy. Oh, and following up from me drinking, snake wine, I have now also drunk wine made out of Goats Testes. Go me!


Jo said...
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Bon Bon said...

Laurence! i've been thoroughly enjoying the bloggage, sounds like you're having an awesome time and i'm very jealous!!

you're looking phitt in this pic, you've become the camo man of my dreams :P!!

love you lots and lots, Bon xx