Saturday 9 February 2008

Lent and the importance of King Kong and Beer

Lent started on Wednesday. Traditionally, people will give up chocolate, or anger or on rare occasions, angry chocolate. But for lent this year I'm giving up Britain. Sure, technically I failed on the first day, since I was still in Britain, but we're allowed weaknesses once!
anyway, I am now officially on my trip! this is my first update, I'm sitting in an internet cafe which charges a very reasonable 1 baa a minute.
Me and Sam have settled in successfully. The plane journey was tough, and getting here was even tougher, since we picked the dodgiest taxi driver in all of Bangkok. It was a nail biting 30 minutes, dear reader, since we weren't sure If he was going to ransom just our backpacks or us! Luckily he did neither, but did discover after setting out on our journey that the hotel was much farther than previous expected and thus would cost 3 times what he quoted us. We didn't care, it was peanuts to us, whatever he charged. So, culture shocked, we wandered around our area, since we couldn't check in for another 5 hours, saw our first temple, and learned the invaluable task of saying 'NO' (in capitals) to anyone that approached us or talked to us.
It was a generally uncomfatable and unpleasant first our to our trip...lost in translation, everyone attempting to mug us for every penny we had, and not to mention the insane traffic and lack of zebra crossings!
But fear not attentive reader! Behold the thing that propelled us into the expert bangkokians you see before you now, article one:

A bar showing the movie King Kong

and two:

The greatest beer I have ever tasted!
Yes sir, there's nothing like the movie channel and a beer when you're in a new city at temperature 21!
After King Kong, They showed 'The Witches' at which point we met Annie and Michael, two cool post uni Brits who have been around for several days. So having acquired several tips and hot spots, we went back to the hotel, falling promptly asleep. We were meant to meet our two new friends and go see some boxing, unfortunately they never showed (even worse we were subjected to the last two thirds of the movie 'Vacancy'') so we hit Khao San road instead.

Imagine Camden in London but with more bars. By this point we were having an awesome time, I was especially excited by the fact you could by knuckle dusters knives, shurikens, throwing knives, batons, swords and hand tazers in this street, however I've decided to buy a hat instead.
We saw an acoustic band, which we thought Dom would enjoy:

and then found an interestingly enlightened symbol of capitalist culture:

After painting the the town red, we've had a lazy morning. We woke up early thanks to our sleep paterns not adjusting, and watched Walk the Line (awesome Reese Witherspoon) and Teen Wolf (awesome dance moves), followed by Ultimate Avengers 2 (awesome superheroes) with a break for a MASSIVE buffet breakfast in between. We shall later partake in the swimming pool and a massage (!)
Tomorrow we begin the tour and meet the group, which should be good. All in all we're having a great time and have really settled into the whole backpacking thing. I'll also definitely start budgeting tomorrow.


dom said...

so you've gone all the way to Thailand to watch movies and drink beer- sounds awesome..shame about the first part of the trip, but its good you guys have found your feet. i guess you've met your group yet..what are they like??

Anonymous said...

I see Irony. The Ronald McDonald statue has his hands held together as though in prayer.
Also, I find it amusing that on only your first day you may have succeeded to leave Britain behind, but as far as leving the Birtish culture behind; aka an obsession with films, lazyness, beer and women...on all accounts you have failed.
Over here in sunny old England, its not too sunny today, but yesterday it was, only today we have this huge fog...
Oh, b.t.w I went to Leeds Met! Its birlliant! Definetly my first pick Uni so far!
Other than that; the BBC is still censoring the fact that Ron Paul is the only other presidentiasl candidate than Huckabee and McCain running or the republicans. Go Ron Paul!; Anonymous has sparked the revolutionary movement that will be the downfall of the 'Church' of Scietology (Hurrah!) - There were protests yesterday in london; Oh...and the Arch Bishop of Cantebury has been recieving a bollocking from the nation for turning his back on defending the Christian faith, and instead opting for Shariah law. Under Shariah law, I wonder if that means he gets stoned?
I hope you enjoy making new relationships in your group of fellow adventurers. Enjoy ya self Langan's!
As per usual, my life is good, God is good, family & riends are good. Everything is abundant and good :)