Saturday 16 February 2008

Football, Bikes and Beaches + pictures!

When we last joined our hero, he was heading out towards the coast and countryside of Cambodia, continuing his journey through the Mekong...

First thing's first, here are those pictures I couldn't upload last time:

One bus ride after leaving Siem Reap and we're in the region of Kompong Cham. The beauty and peace of the countryside really hit me during my stay here. The first day we took a bike ride along a giant bamboo bridge (!) into the farming region the pictures say it all:

Kids would constantly be greeting (in perfect english) and attempting to high five us. People were farming tobacco and corn, the fields stretched for miles. I was enjoying myself so much, I completley forgot it was valentines day (I later admitted it was probably the best one I'd ever had!). The next day we travelled to our homestay (stopping off at a mouth watering ice cream bar, some american chain called Sweensens or something the best ice cream ever!). The homestay was amazing. The whole place was so peaceful and relaxing, I really clicked with it. I hope to find places like it in India:

It was also one of our group's birthday:

And just for my mum:

The best bit of our time at the homestay was the epic England vs Cambodia football match between us and the locals, with the stipulation of 1000R from each player to be payed to the other team for every goal they score! Luckily it was 0-0 (debatable) but it was an awesome game, I will try and upload a picture of both teams soon, I can't now since it's on Sam's camera.

Today we travelled to the beach town, Sihanoukville and I sunbathed and swam. After embarrassing myself last time we went out drinking, I hope to regain some points by handling myself correctly when we go out tonight. Snorkoling off an island out to sea tommorow!

The group tour is so far demanding but fun, if anyones interested, me and Sam often look forward to time out with our beloved movie channel inbetween activities! speaking of witch, I've found a cinema in Sihanoukville which also has an Xbox/Wii section. Enough said.


Unknown said...

Looks beautiful, I am expecting at least one of those puppies to come home with you, but you can leave the snake behind!!! Sounds energetic to me. Have fun ! Eleanor

The Revd Foodie said...

I normally cannot bring my self to use the word but it looks AWESOME!!! Does the snake eat dogs by the way? If so I could find a use for it at home...!!! Enjoy the rush and the rest in equal measure.Stunning pics....
The Revd Foodie